Winter Cocktails
Happy Winter Solstice Los Angeles!
Today marks the shortest day / longest night of the year and the official start to winter drinking! This means boozy drinks, hot teas, winter spices, and seasonal fruits + citrus.
Here are some top picks from LA Speakeasy’s bartenders to help get you through this winter season (click pic for specs)
Iveth's Picks
Holiday Buck Blood Orange Negroni Naughty Sangria
Vincent's Picks
Chai Toddy Winter Daiquiri Black & Sour
Will's Picks
Black Manhattan Rum Old Fashioned Penicillin
If you're looking for event / wedding bartenders in the Los Angeles and surrounding areas that specialize in signature craft cocktails, please contact us HERE.
Photo Sources
Holiday Buck: Julie Shuford Photography
Blood Orange Negroni:
Chai Toddy:
Winter Daiquiri:
Rum Old Fashioned:
More than a bartending service; Your very own craft cocktail experience.
When the drinks matter #laspeakeasy